Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stressing, 35 years in advance

I keep reading all these great articles about saving for retirement, and frankly, it stresses me out. I feel moved to save money, except that I shouldn't save any more than I am -- I really need to finish paying off our consumer debt and move to student loans. Now that I am embroiled in a dispute with one of my student loans, it is even more imperative that this be behind me.

We are expecting a small inheritance this year as soon as a property sells; we are divided as to whether we should invest it or use it to pay off student loans. There are fair arguments in either direction, but what it won't do is eliminate all of our debt (it won't even come close) so a decision must be made.

Meanwhile, Vanguard has a great site on investing and how much you need to save in order to have a certain amount at retirement. We should be saving and investing $200 a month right now, but like so many families with small children, we just can't seem to get out of emergency mode. My husband does contribute around $250/month to a state pension, and when I was working I contributed $300/month to a 457 plan. But for the moment, we are living month-to-month and trying not to think of the future.

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