Saturday, December 30, 2006

Motley Fool's "Good Stocks to Buy in 2007"

Motley Fool published an interesting article on Good Stocks to Buy Now. I might look into John Deere stock myself, just in honor of my redneck roots. Nothing wrong with Kroger, either -- that I know of, anyway. I don't totally understand the dividends thing, but essentially the idea was high dividend, low-cost stock. I guess I will have to figure out the dividend thing.

I have made two commitments to understanding investment in the New Year. One, I reserved half a dozen "How to Invest" books for teens, so they will be easy to understand (I always hit the kids' section when I first start learning about something -- it makes it easier). Two, I have decided to teach a course on finance for kids at work, which requires me to learn everything and to make some fun games to go with it. I always learn best when I teach, so I think it will help. I have tried a $100 transfer to my new investment account but I just read that, at $7 a trade, I need to do a minimum of a $350 trade (to keep commission below 2%), so it might be a few months before I can get my portfolio going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are some great tips here... I should try starting with the kids books! And I applaud you teaching finance to the kids, I want to do the same thing, but I also want to make sure I'm not warping them!